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Propose Day 2015 is on February 08th, 2015. Most of the youngsters are aware of Valentines Day but many of them are still unaware of Rose Day and Propose day, which just happens before 7 days of Valentines Day. These days are very popular in Western Countries and USA. As the name suggests, Propose Day is the day to propose the girl/ boy whom you love. If you have crush on anyone and never had the guts to say, this is the perfect day to express your feelings. If you are eager to know about the significance of all days of Valentine's Week, Click Here.

Proposal Day Messages : Collection

Wouldn't it be great if you can propose the person you love before the Valentines Day and make him/her your valentine next week? Majority of boys and girls are little bit reluctant when it comes to proposing their partners. Why not send them an SMS instead? They are easy to send.

Proposal Day Message 1

True love never die, and if it dies, it don't rot, and if it rots, it never smell, and if it smells, it smells like roses. I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU MADE MY LIFE BEAUTIFUL. Happy Propose Day

Proposal Day Message 2

Love was just a cloud for me, because I dreamed it every day to feel it.

But I found the true love, when I found you.

Happy Propose Day.

Proposal Day Message -3

 Nothing to speak, no special gift, no surprises for you, just feel my love deep from my heart.

Proposal Day Message-4

 If I get your smile, I don’t need jokers

If I get your voice, I do not need a cat

If you speak to me, I do not need anybody

If you are my love, I do not need world

Proposal Day Message-5

My eyes are eager to see you,

My ears are eager to listen you,

My lips are eager to feel you,

And my dreams at night are eager to welcome you.

Proposal Day Message-6

I have one heart that is true,

But now it has gone from me to you,

So care for it, just like I do,

Because I have no heart and you have two.

Proposal Day Message-7

All I wanted was someone to care for me,

All I wanted was someone who would be there for me,

All I ever wanted was someone who would be true,

All I ever wanted was someone like you.

Proposal Day Message-8

It’s a great feel to realize that you are mine and I am yours. Every day morning I wake with this feel which makes me energetic and successful all the day! Love you so much! 

Over to You
Hopefully, the above propose day SMS 2015 has ignited the spark in you. In case, If you have more porpose day SMS with you and you want to share the same with us, feel free to contact us. We would definitely feature you on our blog.

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